Contemplating the metaphysical lacuna between ideology, psychotheology, and primordial love, I am driven by the need to paint in order to survive.
following a dystopian approach, the act of painting serves as a counteraction, a nonsensical vision, or a wild prayer and containing a revolutionary spark within it. This is my act of responsibility. This quest against´The real´ summons a system of contradictions and absurdities, weaved not only from the urge to express and expose, but also from the need to erase and mask. Although this attempt is, obviously, destined to fail, I continue to do it again and again until the action itself becomes a ritual that holds mystical qualities. It is only afterward that I wake up in front of an object describing a hopeless struggle.
- Yuval Barel -
"Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and noisome weeds instead of barley” (job 31:40)